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Mary C. Dyer- Buttons2

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Here are more of my studio buttons. Double clicking on the image will bring up a larger view in most cases. Use the back button on your browser to return to this page. Thanks for taking a look, comments are welcome!

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1) Mary Engelbreit fabric embellished with embroidery and beads \\$40

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2) Bullion Stitch Rose on black velvet with 12/0 3 cut glass beads \\$25

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3) Bullion Stitch Rose on Burgundy velveteen with 12/0 3 cut glass bead and silk ribbon \\$25

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4) Bullion Stitch Rose on Burgundy velveteen with 12/0 3 cut glass bead and silk ribbon \\$25

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5) Printed on silk, embellished with beaded border \\$25

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5) Bullion Stitch Rose bouquet on Burgundy velveteen and silk ribbon \\$20

7) Bullion Stitch rose on green velvet with 12/ 3 cut glass beads \\$25

8) Counted Cross Stitch

9) Counted Cross Stitch

10) Mary Engelbreit fabric embellished with embroidery and beads \\$15

11) Pansy beaded, 14/0 beads, NBS large \\$45

12) Beaded pansy, NBS (very) large \\$30
11/0 beads

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13) Gold cupid printed on red satin with gold and red beaded border \\$40

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14) Mary Engelbreit fabric embellished with embroidery and beads \\$20

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15) Mary Engelbreit fabric embellished with silk ribbon embroidery and beads \\$20

16) delica glass beaded pansy, blue background, NBS large. \\$35

Email me with questions or comments at:


Date this page was last edited: 4/10/2001

Wonderful hand dyed fibers, ribbons and silk! Hand Dyed Fibers

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